Random ramblings about lockdown.

I have been quite quiet on here because in all honesty, I haven't had much to say.
There have been up days and down days. Some days I feel ready to conquer the world, others I want to curl up under a blanket and binge watch Netflix or clock watch until it is an acceptable time to open wine. This lockdown life really does know how to dish out all of the feels doesn't it?

I am trying to live in the moment whilst hoping for the future, soak in the downtime whilst craving to be busy, get my daily exercise, but not put too much pressure on myself for this to be some kind of 'fitspo' transformation, despite what social media would have you believe lockdown is for.

It's funny how until you slow down, you never really noticed how fast you had been living. Prior to lock down I filled my life with so many things, tasks, events and now that has been stripped back I have realised my life is still very much full.

I am missing friends, family and clients and can't wait to squeeze everyone when we can. I have stepped back and been reminded what is important, how little we actually 'need' to be happy. I have evaluated which parts of life I can't wait to pick back up and embrace and a few parts which can be scaled back and limited.

We can't wait to get back in the salon and put the world to rights again. Right now we don't know when that will be or what that will look like, but what we do know is that us humans are pretty adaptable and we will make the best out of whatever situation we are thrown into. ❤

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